Medical Illustration

In the Summer of 2022, I worked as a Media Lab Intern for Cincinnati Childrenā€™s Hospital. These are some of the different art assets and projects I worked on during my time under their employment.

I was tasked with creating AR game concepts to help provide educational fun to the children in our waiting rooms. Here are some of the mobile game concepts I pitched.

These are the refined concepts and final versions!

I also worked on some custom pieces for graduating fellows of the hospital!

Below you can see the various simple backgrounds I created and pitched for promotional and educational animations.

Finally, Iā€™d like to show you an animatic I created in collaboration with Dr. Ken Tegtmeyer and Jeff Cimprich regarding the treatment of ICP. It was requested to be a rough animation, so the images are not polished. This video will be used as an educational tool for graduate students.

These other internship tasks are not pictured, but if you would like to see documentation of them, please click here to take you to my contact page!

  • Silicone casting and cleanup

  • 3D print documentation and editing

  • Icon creation for internal marketing video

  • Video editing and animation for Media Lab webinar

  • Sketchfab Backgrounds